
In Malaysia, 55 Filipinos were Infected with COVID-19
Miss Chis
55 Filipinos in Malaysia were tested positive for the COVID-19. However, the Manila envoy Charles Jose said on Friday that ...

Extended Lockdown in Metro Manila Expected, Task Force Adviser Suggests
Extended lockdown in Metro Manila was suggested by the Inter-Agency Task Force Adviser on COVID-19 Dr. Tony Leachon. In an ...

51 Italian Doctors who Tested Positive for Coronavirus Have All Died from the Disease
51 Italian doctors who were tested positive for coronavirus have all died from the disease. According to the report published ...

A 7-year-old Girl in Pangasinan Died Due to COVID-19
Miss Chis
In San Fabian town at Pangasinan City, a 7-year-old girl has died due to the pandemic disease coronavirus disease (COVID-19) ...

JUST IN: Filipino Nurse Alvin Pascual Dies of Coronavirus Disease
Filipino nurse died of the coronavirus disease. The Philippines is one of the countries in the word that suffers COVID-19 ...