About Us

This website serves as a gateway to global information to get you updated to current trends and world events. We are very glad to serve you to the most and better way in bring news and information to your campuses, offices and homes.



3 thoughts on “About Us”

  1. Hello,

    My name is Ellen from Manchester. I found your blog/website attracttour.com interesting and wondering if I can do a guest post? I wish to write Informative and unique article about 400 to 500 words something according to your blog niche. If this is something you could allow me to do, may I as well add a single link to our site?

    My idea for Article titles – “Glacier National Park, Fun Place To Visit” or “Vacation To Biscayne Point In Miami”

    Let me know if you have any suggestion and hoping for a favorable response.

    Thanks šŸ™‚

    With Best Regards
    Ellen Nicola
    Email:[email protected]

  2. Hi,

    My name is Catherine,

    I was reading through your blog http://attracttour.com/ and think
    its great!

    Do you accept sponsored posts (travel related)? Could you
    please give me the price?:)

    Iā€™m looking forward to hearing from you and hopefully working with you
    into the future.

    Kind Regards,


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