According to the United States Geological Survey, a 6.8-magnitude earthquake struck Tajikistan near Xinjiang, a far western area of China.

Earthquakes are one of the natural occurrences that are difficult to forecast. Experts from many countries believe that the world can only undertake so many preparations in case it happens, but earthquakes cannot be predicted correctly. As a result, governments focus on preparedness and actions to lessen the impact of strong earthquakes.
Every country has a recognized authority that monitors earthquakes and issues warnings to the public. Quake drills are held, especially at institutions with tall structures, so that people know what to do if one occurs.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) just recorded another powerful earthquake that struck Tajikistan.
According to the AP, the 6.8-magnitude quake struck a portion of Tajikistan near Xinjiang, China’s far western region. The quake hit 67 kilometers west of Murghob.

The 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Tajikistan today, Thursday, had a depth of 20 kilometers, according to the USGS. There is no more information available as of this writing.