
Pastor Quiboloy Declared Himself as the “Modern Joseph”
Pastor Apollo Quiboloy of Davao City gained deity status when he began teaching his followers that he is the “appointed ...

Elon Musk: Hopes to Implant Microchips Inside Humans in 2022, Was Musk the Antichrist in the Bible?
Elon Reeve Musk is well-known for his high-profile businesses including as Tesla and SpaceX, but the billionaire entrepreneur possesses a ...

Pope Francis “Support your children if they are gay” Pope Tells Parents Gay Children Should Not Be Condemned
On Wednesday, Pope Francis stated that parents of LGBT children should not condemn them, but rather encourage them. He made ...

Watch! First Bethany “Baptist” Church, CLOSED, Pastor vs. Members at War
The “First Bethany Baptist Church located at Capitol Heights Subd., Bacolod City reportedly closed for several months due to a ...

LIVE: Black Nazareno 2021 Fiesta Mass Parade
Thousands of Catholics devotees come together to attend the mass in celebration of the Feast of the Black Nazarene on ...

Announcement: No Traslacion of Black Nazarene on January 2021, Long Novenas Continue
The Quiapo Church announces alternative plans to celebrate the feast of the Black Nazarene which is annually held every 9th ...

Pope Francis OKAY on Same-Sex Couples Protected by Civil Union Laws
The Roman Catholic highest leader of faith, Pope Francis is considered the first pontiff to endorse and support same-sex couple ...

Cardinal Tagle Confirmed Positive for COVID-19
Former Archbishop of Manila, Archbishop Antonio Luis Tagle tested positive for COVID-19 when he arrive from Italy to the country. ...

Know Beyond the One World Religion Agenda?
Before we learn about what is beyond the One World Religion agenda, let us first look to what is the ...

Noah, Time Traveler Claims Philippines a Giant Utopia by 2030, Crime-Free Nation
Self-proclaimed time traveler, Noah claims that he came from the year 2030 and came back to the present time today ...