Noah, Time Traveler Claims Philippines a Giant Utopia by 2030, Crime-Free Nation


Self-proclaimed time traveler, Noah claims that he came from the year 2030 and came back to the present time today to tell this generation about the future of the Philippines in 2030.

Considering the theory of the “time travel” today is of course impossible for now but maybe our understanding will change in the future time. However, in the mind of the film producers, time travel has been done already as it exists on their own imagination. As a matter of fact, we can see their concept how it is happening on TV shows and animations leaving the people speechless to have that option.

Recently, a man who claimed a time traveler has no doubt about this as he said he came from the future and came back to the present time. The video shared on YouTube easily captured the attention of many netizens because of his noble prophecy telling the world about the future, especially the Philippine and neighboring countries.

He said that the Philippines would lead other countries as a central part of a union in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries.

He even said as far as claiming Manila would be the center of controlling position over Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia and Myanmar.

The most interesting prophecy of Noah was that when he claimed that Philippines will become a “Giant Utopia” by the year 2030. He noted that the Philippines is a place where everyone is happy and nobody attempts to break law.

The traveler explained that during this time laws are implemented by artificial intelligence (AI) police task force which claim is far beyond to the real scenarios of today in the country. Yet, he further explained that Japan will initiate to bring the prophecy come true. The said country will create the AI police task force and the Philippine will implement this to their country.

Noah also added that the Philippines will come to the point to have a big leap and implement brain chips to be implanted to as many people as possible.

In this video, the traveler said…

”In 2030, Philippines just started a decision to actually implement brain chips into as much people as possible. If you were ever rushed to the hospital, they could easily find all the information on you, and it has saved so many lives life in the millions.”

Despite of considering this video as sketchy, some chose to believe Noah because he speaks for the goodness to come in the future, while some, of course did not agree with it.

Here is the video, click to watch it here:

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