Watch: Alien Found in Mexico, Mistery Studied by Scientist (Full Video)


What if you see an alien in your area? This video would be believable? This is one of the research that been studying for a long time, this would able the viewers to see behind the mysteries of this video. Some say that this video is hoax or rumors that is not true but others consider this a fruit of men’s discovery.

A farmer in Mexico found this creature or some called it ‘ALIEN’. What may be the cause of death of this creature? It is revealed in Mexican TV, that when the farmer saw this creature it was alive. The investigation tells that the creature was drowned by the farmer. Then the rumors of this story spread out in Mexico.

Base on the reports and investigation the farmer drowned this creature. He turned over the corpse of the dead creature to the University Scientist who does DNA testing to the cadaver of this creature. The scientists couldn’t believe that the corpse of this creature is just similar with the human beings. The creature’s skeleton is like a skeleton of a lizard and it has a huge brain that simply means that this creature is very intelligent. So, how would you look at this creature? No one can tell if it’s a mutant or ‘ALIEN’?


This story spread in the country of China and Korea. People are having a doubt in this creature’s mystery. Many mysteries could happen in world and other different countries. But as the years goes by, scientist would be knowledgeable to study more of this phenomena in order to solve the mystery and existence of UFO.

This mystery is already considered as complicated issues in this generation. This could inspire people and make them curious that even the most difficult or unseen objects would still pursue them to know what certain things are behind in that matter and sometimes light could ensnare us to limit our ideas or imagination that could change the course of our path of discovery.

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