10 simple inventions using home materials!

Yep Yepyep

Are you bored being home all day? Why don’t you try these ten simple and convenient inventions by yourself!

People nowadays are so innovative, because people are homebound due to the world pandemic caused by Covid-19 and they often think more than doing house chores. Why don’t you try these ten inventions? You can try this with your child or whoever stays with you in home, it is super easy to create these things because you don’t have to buy the materials in the grocery store, and you can just have the materials at home. Instead slacking around the house why don’t we just invent or create these simple things. Creating and inventing things can also help with your mental health to avoid anxiety and depression especially in these times of pandemic.

Being homebound is sometimes depressing this pandemic really change a lot of things, such as your daily work pattern, but being inventive and creative you can create your own inventions with your own idea, you can also create your own simple inventions and post in Youtube or any social media platform it is also a way to have a income, it is a win win situation you can share your idea and having an income at the same time.

You can try these 10 simple inventions at home with easy instruction in the video, enjoy and have fun! Stay home! Save lives!

-Frejie Floyd Alexis Yanson

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