The Belgian health authorities stated that there a pet cat has been infected with the novel coronavirus in Belgium. Cases of contamination of pets are rare, reports are similar cases in Hong Kong where two dogs tested positive for Coronavirus disease.
According to Doctor Emmanuel Andre, close contact between animals and infected humans are some isolated cases. The virus can be transmitted from humans to animals, he said. The Hongkong authorities stated that the dogs showed no symptoms, while in Belgium, the cat was suffering from transitory respiratory and digestive problems.
“So far, there is no evidence that a domestic animal can transmit the virus to humans or other pets,” said Belgian food safety agency AFSCA in a statement.

This is strongly recommended, you must apply standard rules of hygiene when dealing with your pets, “avoid close contact with pets… wash your hands after handling any animal, do not let the animal lick your face.”
You must follow these rules in order to prevent the animal itself from becoming a carrier of the virus.
Globally, over 597,262 have been infected and nearly 27,365 have died because of the viral disease that was first detected in Hubei, China. Over 133,363, have recovered from the deadly disease.
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