Former Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile tests positive for COVID19, now in critical condition.
FAKE NEWS: Former Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile Positive Of COVID-19 is NOT TRUE (HOAX)
According to the news source, RMN Iloilo the politician is striving to fight for his life due to the aftermath of coronavirus.

Considering the fact that Enrile almost 80 years old and suffering from chronic disease, the virus could worsen the condition due to difficulty breathing and any other complications.
COVID-19 recently infects Sen. Migs Zubiri and closely monitored by the DOH. He noted that the virus is so lethal and can spread really quick. Now Zubiri is quarantined to ensure the safety of his family members.
BREAKING NEWS: Senator Miguel “Migz” Zubiri Test Positive For COVID19 March 16, 2020 (Monday)
WATCH GOOD NEWS: US Begins First Human Trial Of COVID19 “mRNA1273” Vaccine
Many are now struggling and experienced anxiety due to COVID19, if you have ever experience cough, sore throat and being complicated for more days, it is better to see a medical doctor and test if you are positive or not, just thinks this is for your self and family.
Early detection means fast recovery. It is recommended to maintain a healthy body, maintain a clean handwashing habit and as much as possible avoid crowded places.
This website will soon verify the news if this is true or not because the source from Facebook Page of RMN Ilo Ilo has already removed the post, but we have screen captured the post from their page. And besides, there is no medical confirmation of the report.
LATEST UPDATES: FAKE NEWS: Former Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile Positive Of COVID-19 is NOT TRUE (HOAX)