The August 4, 2019 Civil Service Exam results or Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) full results of passers and Top 10 Passers for professional and sub-professional level will be available online on or before October 3, 2019 or within sixty (60) working days from the last day of examination.
Civil Service Commission (CSC) stated, 276,819 examinees nationwide would take the Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) on Sunday, 4 August 2019. As distributed, 243,020 examinees taking the Professional level and 33,799 examinees for the Subprofessional level.
“The List of Passers shall be posted within 60 days after the examination,” the Civil Service Commission (CSC) confirmed through Examination Announcement No. 09 , series of 2018.

Examination Coverage:
The Professional test will run for 3 hours, 10 minutes, and for 2 hours, 40 minutes for the Subprofessional test. Visually impaired examinees, as well as the deaf and hard of hearing, will be given an additional one (1) hour to accomplish the test.
The Professional Level has 150 test items in English and Filipino, and includes questions on numerical ability, analytical ability, verbal ability, as well as general information items such as on the Philippine Constitution, Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (Republic Act No. 6713), peace and human rights issues and concepts, and environment management and protection.
The Subprofessional test has 145 test items in English and Filipino. It has the same scope as the Professional test, except analytical ability, but includes questions on clerical ability.
According to CSC, passers who got at least 80 percent score will be eligible for a position in the civil service provided the eligible meet the qualifications and other requirements – education, experience, and training.
TOP 10 PASSERS: August 2019 Civil Service Exam Professional Level
TOP 10 PASSERS: August 2019 Civil Service Exam Sub-Professional Level
Verification of rating (OCSERGS): August 2019 Civil Service Exam
“The List of Passers shall be uploaded/posted on the CSC website within 60 days after the examination,” the bulletin stated.
Note the official results will be earlier or with or without prior notice.
Passers must personally claim their Certification. Representatives are not allowed to claim the same. For this matter, passers who have moved to or are based in another region, or in remote areas within the region, may personally claim their Certification of Eligibility at the CSC Regional or Field Office (conduit CSC RO/FO) nearest their present place of residence or work.
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