Mercury used as Dental Amalgan can cause Disease


We put so many things in our mouth, such as foods and accessories on our tongue, lips, and teeth.  But there is one thing that we put in our mouth that we usually don’t know that can cause diseases.

Due to the modernization around the world today, we usually look for some cheap alternative for tooth restoration and abolish the damage tiny holes in our teeth caused by cavities.


Our Dental doctors called this remedy as “Dental Amalgam”.  It is a mixture of liquid mercury and metal alloy powder to fill the cavities caused by tooth decay.  When these compounds are mixed well it becomes soft to press into the tooth but hardens quickly, hard enough to resist chewing and biting. Many dental patients prefer to make this with the dental doctor because of its low costs and durability and it’s also easy to apply.


The metal filling in our mouth most especially on our teeth called Silver or amalgam can make us sick. So why then mercury is still used in dental amalgam?  Mercury itself is a poisonous substance to our body, it can build up and cause many diseases. It is a metal that naturally occurs in our environment and this substance when mixed with other materials it can produce another kind of compounds.   We can also obtain mercury in water, air, fish and other factors.

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