
Apple CEO Believed That Time Travel Exist


He always thought he knew when and who invented the iPhone, but now he doubts, according to Apple CEO. He ...

A Dragon Humanoid Fossil Found, Believed that Belongs to Reptilian Species


Millions of galaxies all around the universe, on every galaxy have a habitants, It is believed that more than thousands ...

A Creepy Tale of the Philippines San Juanico Bridge


The only bridge in the Philippines that connected to another island. But there are stories of how the structures are ...

The First Female Astronaut Who Dies In Space Right After She Made the Recordings


Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space who was deployed to Space on June 1963 boarding the Vostok ...

Loch Ness Monster-Are they still alive? Find out Here


The dominant creatures on earth are might be humans, but there are still corners of the planet that we have ...

Internet Provider Requests To PPC To Evaluate 700 MHz Usage


The internet society of the Philippines urge the (PPC) Philippine Competition Commission to look unto the necessity of the 700 ...

Legendary Mothman Caught On Camera, Check it out (Video)


The people in a small City of Quilino in Argentina were terrified when a report of a mysterious figure with ...

The Attack of an Evil Spirit to a Jamaican Boy (Video)


Studies say that poltergeist can be manifested by strong psychokinetic forces which are present in few people, especially the girls ...

Would the Fallen Angels Return? A Gateway to Another Dimension Unearthed!


The Jesuits admits that they are monitoring something approaching the earth at Mt. Graham. After the Exo-Vaticana published, a top ...

Did Pope John XXIII had an Interaction with an Alien before his Death in 1961?


Angelo Roncalli known as “The Good Pope” met an alien before his death. The meeting occurred at the garden of ...