A 17-year-old trans woman expressed gratitude to her school for allowing her to wear a feminine uniform.

Sessy Maravillo, a senior high school student at Leyte National High School in this city, said that with the growing number of members of the Lesbian, Gày, Bisèxual, Transgender, Queer, Intersèx, and Asèxual (LGBTQIA+) community in the community, uniforms for transwomen and other members of the community have become an added concern.
“In my case, I am very much blessed and grateful at the same time for being in a school that totally accepts LGBTQIA+ members of the society,” Sessy stated.
She went on to say that it brings her comfort as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community and that she wants others to feel the same way she does, “the acceptance, freedom, love, and above all, the respect.”
“I feel the strong and warm support of my school, especially the love of my teachers and their strong regard towards the gender that I have,” she continued.
She hopes that more schools will follow suit in terms of wearing uniforms.
“It does not only intend to help in amplifying gender acceptance in our society, but as well as helping our fellowmen to build strong confidence within them,” she stated.
Maravillo advocated for the introduction of gender-neutral uniforms as a huge and positive step toward a more compassionate society.
“We should always remember that forcing clothes on children or students won’t make a school better, but a uniform combined with reforms can.”
She believes that if society wants to be inclusive, it must offer people the right to choose.