Viral now on social media, the jeepney from Baguio City that was lauded by the netizens for implementing social distancing measures for the passengers.
The Philippines public transportation was still suspended to contain the spread of the coronavirus. However, in some areas that have a moderate case of the COVID-19, they were allowed by the government to operate.
Usually, a trip of jeepneys are being packed full of passengers before they leave the terminals. But, due to the coronavirus pandemic, things needed to have a slight change.

The image was taken on one of the jeepneys in Baguio City that has put up a divider so that the people wouldn’t have to sit close to each other. Thus, social distancing could still be imposed even inside public transportation.
The ‘style‘ of the jeepney driver gathers various comments and reactions from the social media world:
A netizen said, “Posts like these makes me smile at how my hometown have responded to the pandemic.“
“You can never count the Philippines out when it comes to ingenuity. I love it here. I’m from the USA and tip my hat to the resilience of the people here!” another netizen said.
Also, instead of a total of 20 max capacity of the jeepney, they reduced the capacity to about 8-10 people to impose the social distancing measures.
Moreover, the payment usual system is to ask the person beside you to give the fare to the driver, but now, the driver would get the fare from passengers beforehand.
What do you think about this technique? Share it in the discussion box below.