TOP SECRET: The Truth of Coronavirus Origin Unveiled in this VIDEO


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A video unveiling about the secret of coronavirus is circulating in social media which the same video caught the attention of the netizens.

There are a lot of information circulating in the internet tracing about the origin of the novel coronavirus which the World Health Organization (WHO) gives official name COVID-19 and later becomes pandemic that kills thousands of people around the world.

The said video explained that coronavirus started in Wuhan City in China which also the same knowledge everyone knows. But in addition to the information provided in this video, this claimed that the virus is a product of an experiment of special super power in China that the video called “biological weapon” which at first was tested to prisoners in China with the “Alpha Chemical Agent”.

The video claimed that the Alpha Chemical Agent was tested to Islamic radical prisoners who are innocent not knowing that they become the test subject of the chemical agent.

At first, they found out that the result was good for their purpose not until they have noticed from the subject prisoners of severe reactions that resulted terrifying death.

The video reveals that the United States is knowledgeable about the research of biochemical weapon in China. They took interest of the said chemical agent and paid huge amount of money in exchange for a sample for further study in their country.

The transaction between the researcher of the chemical agent and the United States authorities resulted tragedy which took place in the wild animal market in Wuhan China that claimed the virus originated behind the top secret.

The first video attached to this page has been removed from the source… but i have found of the same exposure.

To know about the story, watch this video:

However, related video can be view here:

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