COVID-19 “Is Not Just A Flu”, Experts Say it’s 10x More Lethal Than The Seasonal Flu

Miss Chis

The Health officials said that COVID-19 is 10x More Lethal Than The Seasonal Flu and not just the regular flu.

COVID-19 10x More Lethal

The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infection Disease, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated that the worse is yet to come with the outbreak of COVID-19.

I can say we will see more cases and things will get worse than they are right now

Dr. Fauci also said that the COVID-19 is “more lethal” than the regular flu. In addition to that, even if the mortality rate drops far below the World Health Organization’s estimate of 3.4%.

From November 2002 through July 2003 is the ran of the SARS epidemic with the mortality rate of 9% to 10%.  That’s why Fauci said that it was not as lethal as the COVID-19 but it spreads much faster.

He added that the seasonal flu merely had a mortality rate of 0.1%. Meanwhile, the WHO’s estimated mortality rate for COVID-19 began at 2%.

The outbreak of the virus was believed to have begun in Wuhan, China in December of last year. Since then, it had spread across the world and had become a pandemic.

Although cases are slowing down in China, other countries are now being hit hard by the virus. Most notably, Italy, South Korea, and Iran.

Italy had been placed under complete lockdown. South Korea is placed under Red Alert, while Iran became the worst-hit country in the Middle East.

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