NOVEL CORONAVIRUS – Scientists of the top research body in natural sciences in China have found another possible way of transmission of the deadly novel coronavirus from Wuhan China.
The 2019-nCoV which killed the lives of not less than three hundred sixty (360) people in China and one (1) in the Philippines could be transmitted through the digestive system and through human feaces, Xinhua news agency said.

This means that pathogens can transmit through faeces into the mouth of another victim or the Wuhan coronavirus can be ingested through the feacal-oral route.
Proper hygiene is highly recommended by the experts because transmission of coronavirus may occur due to a poor hygiene habits or lack of proper sanitation, food contamination, pollution of soil and water bodies with faecal matter.

According to the experts from the Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University and the Wuhan Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Science, they discover that aside from the common symptom of fever and some other symptoms, they found out diarrhoea to several patients infected with 2019-nCoV.
The research team found viral nucleic acids and rectal swabs present in the stool of the patients. This is the reason experts believed that transmission of the 2019-nCoV is possible through faecal-oral aside from droplet and contact transmissions.
China is doing best effort to contain the 2019-nCoV which believed originated in Wuhan animal market.