The Bright Future of Bitconnect Coin, Cypto Currency Fulfills Cashless Society


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Since yesterday the Bitconnect community has panic due to their immediate announcement that all the flat form operation including the buying & selling and lending and referrals stopped on the spot after announcement.

When I moved my BCC to hitBTC yesterday, I have proven that Bitconnect is honest with their intention to do business because they have provided a way to release all investors’ money. If Bitconnect is dishonest, punzi scheme business, or a SCAM they will not release their coin in which they have all the control to keep it on their hand.

At this moment, I believed they have a plan to use their COIN to do business again because it was a huge amount of coin circulating in the crypto world that they cannot afford to come to nothing without using it. I think, Bitconnect business continue to provide alternative avenue to serve their investors as they gained trust and confidence by proving that they release all investors’ money which is a big lose in their part instead of keeping it for their own interest.

Although Bitconnect closes all its flat form operation they still have plan to use their coin to their soon to open Bitconnectx ICO. So there is nothing to worry for those who hold their BCC coin, you still have your future with crypto currency business.

In my opinion, this crypto currency will fulfill what is prophesized in the book of Revelation 13:16-17 in which the Bible said, 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” The fulfillment of this prophesy maybe implemented by the government or by way of political power but the material instrument of fulfilling it is through the use of money in the form of crypto currency due to the fact that it is connecting to buying and selling which means to say, the cash less society is fulfilled through this way.

Related Article: Bitconnect Lending and Exchange Update: Will it Survive? Watch Video Explanation Here!

Lately, I decided to forward my coin from htiBTC back to Bitconnect Wallet expecting that Bitconnect has something to do with their coin and that can benefits to their investors’ welfare as they proved it they have legitimate business in the world of crypto currency.

Therefore, the Crypto currency continues until the next generation to come. Our time today falls to the transition period until the next generation becomes familiar and used it to transact in the world of cash less society.

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