Video: Former Pope Benedict XVI Warns of Vatican’s Alien Agenda


Pope Benedict XVI told the catholic world that a group of Jesuits had entered the Vatican and wanted to search the space in what he called an “Alien Agenda”.

Radio Horeb, a German FM station who covered the conference as the former Pope explaining that a certain group from Vatican tried to push on for the search of extraterrestrial beings from outer space. The Vatican Observatory currently possess a Large Binocular Telescope named Lucifer 2. Funes who is the major sponsor on the said project and purchased a new lens for Lucifer 2 worth $2 Million Large Telescope.

Funes who wanted to investigate extraterrestrial life from outer space because they are also part of the creation. There might be intelligent beings created aside from us. He also emphasize that it is not in contrast to with their faith since it is God’s creative freedom that we cannot put any limits.


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