Teleportation Caught On Camera (Video)


Teleportation- Is the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. A hooded man was caught on a CCTV camera that goes through a closed door.

They said that his from another dimension with supernatural abilities and some say he’s a time traveler. On a video above, the hooded man just simply walk through the closed doors, a light inside the store goes on and off and the camera as well affected. As the goes back from the inside, you can notice the year on the CCTV changes from 2016 to 2019. Thus, the person leaps to 2019.

Teleportation man

Since then, a lot of people claimed that they accidentally teleports from another time through a wormhole. There is also a man who meets himself 40 yrs. from the present time. He shakes hand with him and as well took a video of himself and his future self.

Watch the Video below:

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