Help: Desperate Mother Asking For Donors For Her Daughter Who Urgently Needs Heart Transplant


When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are also in the service of your God. From England a mother desperately asking for organ donors to save his daughter’s life. Her two year old daughter.

This 30 year old mother namely Nicole Doherty asking for donors to her daughter Evie. Evie will die without having a heart transplant. Evie already suffered and is now with machines in the hospital for six months.

Help: Helpless Mother Asking For Donors For Her Daughter Who Urgently Needs Heart Transplant


Nicole stated, “It takes two minutes to sign up to be a donor. You could give someone the gift of life. It is an awful situation to be in. You just pray other people will consider donating and find the suitable donor that will give our little Evie a chance of life,”

This decease of her started a year ago. Evie’s parents, Nicole and Paul, were told by experts that one third of people suffering from the condition die, while another third recover. The remaining group require a heart transplant to live a normal life.

Help: Helpless Mother Asking For Donors For Her Daughter Who Urgently Needs Heart Transplant

Nicole said again, “She has been incredible and all team at Great Ormond Street have been amazing. They haven’t stopped trying to work out what has happened. It has been horrendous. We couldn’t contemplate somebody else has to go through this,”

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