He Wrap The Banana In A Thin Foil And The Result Is Really Mouthwatering!



This food invention is really good for your appetite and it is just easy to make all you need is a kitchen knife, food foil wrap, chocolate bars, chunks or any topping that you like it is up in your choice and of course banana. The first step is to cut the banana down in the middle without cutting through the other side of banana as you see in the video, then open up the cut part of the banana and put whatever toppings that you like but in the video that you see, they use chocolate chunks, raisins and toffee and it really looks delicious.

Then wrap the banana in a thin food foil always make sure it is a clean foil. Then place it in the oven for about 15 minutes. Then there is your delicious desert and it can also serve as your appetizer. =) sounds delicious? Make some of it now and serve it in your family.

Thanks for watching guys,

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