There Is Something In This Flashlight That Could Really Amaze You!


Technology is really innovating this invention is perfect for self defense and it can also use as a double purposes if this invention will be implemented as an issue used by our security the government can save lots of money. It is not hassle to use this invention, by just clicking the button it will automatically become a self defense weapon. But as we see technology some of the invention has a pros and cons.

The pros of this invention are it is very handy to carry and no hassle at all, it can serve as a light and also as a gun to protect our self, neighborhood and of course our family members. But not all inventions have only pros some inventions have also a serious disadvantage like this one. If this gun will be in the market we cannot assure that this invention will go directly in our government because this invention can be use also to do a crime because we cannot simply identify if the robber, thief or maybe a killer is carrying a gun because it just looks like a flashlight.

So if there is a possibility that they will make this as an issue for our securities, they must make sure that this invention will go to the right one.


Thanks for watching guys!



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