Fast and Furious 7 with Paul Walker Coming Soon in Cinemas


American actor, producer, director and screenwriter Vin Diesel revealed on Sunday that the action film “Fast and Furious 7” which was temporarily halted because of the sudden death of leading actor Paul Walker will be released on April 10, 2015. The seventh of the series of action film ‘Fast and Furious’ is expected to hit and Paul Walker is still in it.

Vin Diesel relayed the message through his Facebook post saying “P.s. He’d want you to know first…”

Fast and Furious 7The actor was apparently referring to the late leading actor Paul Walker whose death was due to the fiery car accident in Santa Clarita in Southern California on November 30, 2013 together with his close very friend.

Fast and Furious 7 is a series of the hit film about the car racing is supposed to be released on the original target date on July 11, 2013. But the unexpected tragedy that caused the lead actor Paul Walker’s untimely death forced the Universal Pictures to alter the release date.

After almost a month from the death of Paul Walker, the ‘Universal Pictures’ revealed that the film still includes Paul Walker since he has finished about 50 percent of the entire story.

On the other hand, the ‘Universal Pictures’ did not mention on how exactly the studio will arrange Walker’s conspicuous absence all throughout the movie.

Paul Walker’s role in the seventh series of ‘Fast and Furious’ was a law enforcement officer in the name of Brian O’Conner.



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