Looking for the best place to enjoy in Bantayan Island? Come to Ogtong Cave Resort. The world class standard of the resort amenities will assure satisfaction all the rest of your stay. As you can see the photos taken inside the Ogtong Cave, swimming into the crystal clear water is a great experience in the island for there is no other place in the island like Ogtong Cave.
Ogtong Cave Resort is a good place to spend your summer vacation with your family and friends. With their air-condition rooms available for family is very affordable. I’m sure you and your children will enjoy swimming in the swimming pool or in the crystal clear water inside the cave.
Moreover, the wide area along the beachfront is the place you can enjoy watching fishermen passing in their boat. If you are not satisfied you can dive into it and enjoy swimming.
Check also the photos about the food served in the resort. I’m sure you love it too.
Click photos to view in full so that you can appreciate how beautiful and attractive they are.
Ogtong Cave Resort is a sister resort of the Sugar Beach. Follow the link and see photos and start to fulfill you dream to visit the Number 1 Beach Resort of Bantayan Island.

Ogtong Cave Resort beachfront watch fishing area. Click image link to view in full.
Ogtong Cave Resort swimming pool.