The Beachfront of Marlins Beach Resort is one of the most attractive features of the beach in which I love walking barefoot in a long highway of powdered-like-white sand in the island. If you click images attached to this article, it will enlarge and let you see it in full view, then I’m sure you will appreciate it and understand how I described it’s beauty in the white sand and wishes walking into it every morning.
If you wish to sit or lay down to the chair on beach under the shadow of Talisay tree to feel the cool and fresh breezing air from the ocean you can name your order with your favorite drinks or juices available and ready to serve you from the Beach Bar only a few steps from where you are.

Click image link to view in full

Click image link to view in full Powdered-White-Sand in the beachfront of Marlin Beach Resort, Click it to view in full