Puppet Caught On Camera Moving On Its Own


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Jayne Harris, a paranormal investigator, came into a possession of a “haunted puppet” that attempted to choke its previous owner. Doing only the right thing, she caged the puppet in a glass box and began recording it.

Euan McLelland from the Daily Mail posted that a creepy puppet said to have choked its former owner has been filmed moving inside a sealed glass container in the dead of night. Jean Harris, 32, from Stourbridge, West Midlands, recorded the puppet every night for three months-after its previous owner claimed it and tried to choke him to death.

And last month she was left dumbfounded what her cameras caught, the chilling moment the wooden doll what seems came back to life. Night vision footage shows the puppet’s operating crow slowly moving on its own before crashing into one of the sealed glass frame.

Jane who investigates haunted dolls, said: “I’ve never had anything exciting as this. I’ve caught pictures of mists,  orbs and shadows but nothing physical as this video evidence.

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