Mesmerizing Invention Of Thor’s Hammer!


Growing up in a world where we’ve always dreamt of becoming a superhero with once upon a time. It also ...

Astonishing Modern Restaurant Found In Japan!


It has been growing rapidly with technology that also a lot of establishments are dealing with partnership with this development. ...

Monthsary Surprised Found Out That The Celebrant Had Another Boyfriend!


Some one or any one will do everything just to prove that he is in love and will do everything ...

Touching Bride Sings For Groom In Their Wedding!


The wedding is a ceremony where two people ties a knot which will be the symbol that they are willing ...

Man Proposed to Fiance’s Daughter!


To enter into a commitment with a single parent, you will always end up whether you’ll choose to get along ...

Yna Saw Bea Bianca Naked With Angelo


Surprisingly a horrible and shocking scene had also surprised Yna after she finally had the over all courage to see ...

Cyrus Villanueva Covers “Rumor Has It All” in X FACTOR Australia


Cyrus Villanueva, a Filipino-Australian had once again hit the show at Monday’s “The X Factor Australia” with his wonderful and ...

Senator Grace Poe Have the Leanest Resume!


Sen. Grace Poe claims last Tuesday that she has the splender résumé of all the latest crop of presidential candidates, ...

Longest Hoverboard Broke World’s Record!


Asking what’s for the next? Here is one man breaking off the world’s record! Currently, one man has the capacity ...

Sharmaine Buencamino Broke Silence About Daughter Death


3 months had passed and had been more since the daughter of “Julia Buencamino” of the veteran actress Shamaine Buencamino ...