Loch Ness Monster-Are they still alive? Find out Here


The dominant creatures on earth are might be humans, but there are still corners of the planet that we have yet o explore. The fact is that we have not seen all or our planets, there are branch of conspiracy theories devoted to crypt zoology, or the study or rare creatures and animals that are not yet in the book.








A supply vessel came across the Persian Gulf when the crew spotted something floating on the waters. A rotting corpse of unknown creature. The pictures they took causes a storm on the theorist as it appears very disturbing.








Looks like a twisted Loch Ness monster. But a few on these photos made it to the net and commenters were easily distinguished what it looks like a dead whale. But how can you tell if it has a tale that looks like a crocodile. Or is it from Godzilla? Until now the identification of this creature is still hanging.

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