VIRAL: Man Behind 299 Engagement Ring Issue Releases an Official Statement “Love doesn’t have Price”


The claimed man of the viral issue has now spoken his side of the story.

In a now-viral post, a girl expressed her disappointment and disclosed that her engagement ring was purchased by her boyfriend from Shopee for only 299 pesos. She wonders if she should make an issue of it or if she is being too childish. She’s thinking about whether to keep quiet about her emotions or confront him since she doesn’t want to destroy the moment.

It bothers the charged man in the situation a lot to know that his girlfriend did not appreciate his efforts for her. He asked whether the cost of the engagement ring was important.

He went on to say that he was the family earner and that he had many problems and duties, such as financing his younger sibling’s learning. He said that, while he could afford a ring in the four-digit range, he decided not to do so because it was simply a promise ring for the woman he intended to spend the rest of his life with.

However, the problem caused his entire world to crumble. Unfortunately, his post prompted him to give up his relationship with his girlfriend and cancel their wedding preparations. He wonders what would happen if his girlfriend complained about the inexpensive ring in the future.

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