The Earthquake in Taiwan K!lled 1 Person and Injured 146 People

Marie Test

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck the southern section of Taiwan, injuring 146 people.

The earthquake’s origin was in Taitung County, according to the weather office, and it was followed by a 6.4-magnitude earthquake on Saturday night in the same location.

Based on the Taiwanese fire department, one person was k!lled and 146 were wounded.

Four individuals were saved from the collapsed building in Yuli, while three more were rescued in their automobiles since the bridge was demolished. Due to roadblocks, 600 people are detained in the Chike and Liushishi mountains, although no casualties have been recorded.

Consider that the earthquake that struck southern Taiwan in 2016 killed over 100 people, while a 7.3 magnitude earthquake killed over 2,000 people in 1999.

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