On Monday, August 29, 2022, tragic news about the actress Yoo Joo eun suicide leaked out throughout the South Korean entertainment business. The ‘Big Forest’ DraKor actress Yoo Joo-eun was discovered deád by her older brother.

Her brother verified that Yoo Joo Eun committed suícide as the cause of death. He released the information that the actress had committed suicíde using Yoo’s Instagram account.

In his publishing, he displayed Yoo’s suícide note as her last request, in which the actress revealed her reasons for kílling herself and told her loved ones and supporters farewell. But before there will be any formal confirmation, the medical professionals must conduct a postmortem.
According to the GMA News article, she also stated that she passed away peacefully since she had been having suícidal thoughts for a very long time and had enjoyed a good life.

She asked everyone not to blame anyone responsible for her wellbeing and to let things go. The Korean actress also expressed her desire for a huge attendance at her burial.