Top Trending Topic Online! Jane, more known as ‘Nightbirde’, makes judges into tears after singing her original song title “It’s Okay.” Simon Cowell emotional with the song and ‘Nightbirde’ got Golden Buzzer.
According to AGT social media posts, “It’s not every day that Simon Cowell gets emotional watching a performance, but Nightbirde proved herself Golden Buzzer worthy with that touching song.”
Howie told to Nightbirde, “You know, it’s funny because singers come on and I and I think about authenticity. You know, when you feel it, when it moves you, that felt like the most authentic thing I have heard this season.”
Sofia felt Nightbirde song, “It was powerful. It was heartfelt and I think you’re amazing.
“You gave me chills. I mean, your voice is so beautiful to listen to. It was beautiful. all way around,” said Heidi.
Simon’s emotional comment, “Your voice is stunning. It is absolutely stunning and I totally agree with what Howie said, you know about authenticity. There was something about that song after the way you just almost casually told us what you’re going through and you know.”
Nightbirde replied and make Simon Cowell emotional, “You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore before decide to be happy.”
There are. However, there have been some great singers this year. And I’m not going to give you a yes. I’m going to give you something else, said Simon Cowell and push the Golden Buzzer.
Nightbirde admits that she has a 2% chance of survival but 2% is not 0%. She stated that 2% is something and she wish people knew how amazing it is.