A magnitude 5.2 hits San Antonio (Zambales) on Sunday, May 23, 2021, around 12:41 PM. Phivolcs stated in its bulletin that no damage is expected of the said quake. No aftershock is expected of the said quake as well.
The location of the quake is at 14.73°N, 119.25°E – 094 km S 75° W of San Antonio (Zambales). Depth of Focus (Km) is 002. Reported Intensities:
Intensity I – Quezon City
Instrumental Intensities:
Intensity I – Marikina City; Olongapo City;

PHIVOLCS Earthquake Bulletins of the latest seismic events in the Philippines are listed below. The event parameters (hypocenter, time, and magnitude) are determined using incoming data from the Philippine Seismic Network. Philippine Standard Time (PST) is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
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