Freddy “Tallest Living Dog” Passed Away


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Guinness World Record “Tallest Living Dog” Freddy, a male Great Dane Dog, has passed away. Freddy actual height of 3 feet, 4 inches from the ground to the “wither” or the highest part of his shoulder blades (spine near his neck).

This is the method of measuring the height of a dog but Yao Ming knows his height in humans because if he stands on his back foot and lifts the two main feet upwards, it will reach 7 feet, 5.5 inches. Ming, height 7 feet, 6 inches.

Freddy died on January 27, 2021, in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, the United Kingdom at the age of 8 with the love of his master Claire Stoneman.

Freedy weighs in at 88.9 kilograms and Claire spends 100 dollars on her food per week.

Despite his height and size, Freddy was very kind and gentle, even a small child.

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