Vlogger ‘The Hungry Syrian Wanderer’ Exposes the Truth Behavior about Chong Bobby YouTube Channel
Basel Manadil more popularly known as ‘The Hungry Syrian Wanderer’ reacts to all the allegations thrown at him by the viral Korean street vendor and friend named Bobby.
Basel was betrayed by the Korean businessman, Mr. Chang is also known as Abeoji. He helped Chang by giving gifts and money, which you can watch the full video below:
The Syrian Vlogger with a Filipino heart opens Korean Mini-Mart “Yeoboseyo” and stated that there will be times in our life that you meet people, you trust them, and want to lift them up with you but ending up betraying you. Watch out for these kinds of failures for once you have recognize them, put all of your effort to rise above these situations. It will surely accelerate and propel you to succeed.
<div class="fb-post" data-href="https://web.facebook.com/yeoboseyokoreanmart/posts/111641200872459" data-width="500" data-show-text="true"><blockquote cite="https://www.facebook.com/yeoboseyokoreanmart/posts/111641200872459" class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><p>🇵🇭 The Hungry Syrian Wanderer There will be times in our life that you meet people, you trust them and want to lift them...</p>Posted by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/yeoboseyokoreanmart/">Yeoboseyo Korean Mart PH</a> on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/yeoboseyokoreanmart/posts/111641200872459">Friday, January 15, 2021</a></blockquote></div>
Please support “The Hungry Syrian Wanderer” because he helps poor people and loves his employees.
Netizens comment on his Vlogs, “I hope your crew will appreciate all your help for them, and they will not forget what you have done for them. Not like this Korean guy, whom I don’t like to mention his name. Love you Basel.”