USD 200,000 was granted under the World Bank’s Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility. They will fund 50 district hospitals in regards of their program. Additional USD 800,000 overseen by UNICEF is being funded to uses of delivery essential vaccines. Representatives from WHO and UNICEF joined Lao PDR’s Minister of Health Association Prof, Dr Bounkong Syhavong and Australian, German and Japanese ambassador’s they officially announced of the 1 Million dollars package today.

According to Dr. Howard Sobel upgrading hygiene and infection control district hospitals are censorious in responding to Covid-19. There are broken equipment such as hospital sinks and depletion of sanitary materials such as sanitary soaps, paper towels or floor bleaches which can help infection control and prevent Covid-19 outbreaks. He also added that hospital team is capacitated to identify the censorious gaps and development to imply an action plan. The Health Ministry and WHO (World Health Organization) are also seize with the District and Provincial Government and Health Departments to check and expedite the progress on this matter and other aspects of COVID-19 preparedness. In the next 3 years they’re expecting to have hygienic and clean facilities.
Stay home! Save lives!
-Frejie Floyd Alexis Yanson