Live now is DZMM 630 Audiostreaming April 8, 2020 (Thursday).
Witness the hottest news globally and domestically to be aware and informed of what is happening around the globe.
The update is brought to you by credible newcast journalist that had been in the industry for a couple of years.

Check out also for the weather updates brought to you straight from PAG ASA and the newest news about the global pandemic coronavirus infection.
As of now, President Duterte orders Metro Manila in the state of Lockdown which aims to community quarantine and travels outside the city needs authorization from the government.
Meanwhile here is the audio streaming down below anchored by credible newscasting journalists in the country.
For more trending news around the globe please don’t hesitate to visit our website and comment on the comment section below to be heard. We will inform you if their is a new update available please tune in.