WHO: Addresses To Youth “You Are Not Invincible” Amid COVID-19 Pandemic


WHO (World Health Organization) addresses to the Youth of being overconfident and underestimating the lethality of COVID-19.

According to WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus that the youth is not invincible to corona virus infection so they must take in to consideration the proper mind set to get away from COVID-19.

This is due to some information’s and studies that the virus is dangerous only to elderly people and also person with underlying conditions that being complicated by COVID-19 like asthma, diabetes and hypertension.

But studies also prove that the virus steals the life of the younger people also, so this confirms that they are not immune to the disease.

WHO also pleaded the people to take into consideration the mandate of their national and local government to follow the implemented rules and regulations provided by the authorities because it is for your own safety.

Meanwhile cities here in Metro Manila is still on lock down and people are restricted to go out from home and maintain a social distancing 1 meter per person.

DOH reminded us to maintain a clean hand washing habit and also boost your immune system to fight the virus.

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