Watch Viral Now: Alleged Spreading Of Coronavirus Chinese Man Spits On The Botton Of The Elevator


Viral now in social media is the alleged intentional spreading of coronavirus during its ourbreak last month.

The said virus originated Wuhan China and already infected thousands around the world and considered a pandemic diseases by World Health Organization (WHO).

Meanwhile in the video you can witness a group of Chinese in the elevator and a man gets a cloth and spits on it and apply the spitted cloth to the elevator.

The said folks is just looking only as if they enjoy the show and even did not considered this man wrong doings.

The said post enraged the netizens which is greatly not a good joke or a prank, because coronavirus infection is not a joke. It is dedlier and can kill you if you poor immune system.

It is better to monitor your health had a good sleep drink vitamins and eat a lot of fruits to boost up your immune system.

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