Furious mom who have embarrassed the teacher for the reason of not washing her son’s Tupperware was also lambasted by the netizens in the online community by sending her a massive amount of criticism.
Everybody knows what the teachers are for. They are there in school to teach, inspired and make our children grow educated and in proper guidance as well as they are considered second parents in the four corner of instruction.

Recently, a furious mom called the attention of the teacher and embarrassed her just because the teacher did not wash her son’s Tupperware. This caught the attention of the netizens as everyone knows and understand the work of the teacher in school. Of course, they are there not to wash Tupperware of the students nor clean a mess left out there but to make our kids learned.

This is the reason that the posts were flooded with huge amount the criticism from the online community because of the mom’s distasteful remarks to the school teacher.

Here is the post of the mom.
“Wash it! Oh my goodness. Why are you so lazy? Don’t talk about whether they pay you to wash dishes. Just do it out of sincerity, Don’t make me embarrass you. I can make a lot of complains and expose you in our parents Whatsapp group. I can report you as a teacher with no manners!” the mom said.

What can you say about this issue of a teacher and the mom who have embarrassed the teacher? Write your comment here below and join the discussion.