A 54-year-old Pinoy crew was found dead inside the Royal Carribeans Anthems of the Sea cruise ship’s engine room.
According to the report from WNBC last February 8, 2020, there was a pinoy crew who was found dead inside the engine room of Royal Carribeans cruise ship.

The Law Enforcement does not believe that the pinoy crew died because of Corona Virus. Before they sent the body to Newark for the autopsy, the unidentified body of the pinoy worker will be kept refrigerated.

As for the authorities, the death of the employee was non-suspicious and also informed that the crew wasn’t able to report to work before found dead inside the engine room. However, the Royal Carribean was taking a lot of caution on what happened. And not giving any further updates about the incidents.
The case is still ongoing. Share your comments about this and put your thoughts in the description box below.