Facts about the transmission of the 2019-nCoV is highlighted here in this page to give proper guidance to all the people as indicated in the health report according to the Chinadaily.com.cn.
Here are the highlighted Facts:
1. Coronavirus mainly transferred through droplets.
- The main transmission route is by droplets, and possibly through contact.

2. Washing hands can reduce risk of contact transmission.
- Chances of contamination are higher if people do not wash their hands after touching objects, as it’s
- Disinfecting items and the environment and washing hands properly are important ways to avoid contact transmission.

3. No evidence of virus transmission through pets
- Currently there is no evidence that pets, such as cats, and dogs, can contract or spread the novel coronavirus. However, for hygiene’s sake people are encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water after contact with pets.

* Facts About the Novel Coronavirus PREVENTION and CONTROL
* Facts about the Novel Coronavirus TREATMENT
4. Air transmission is limited
- The novel coronavirus can be transmitted by air for a distance of 1 to 2 meters, but will not float in midair. It can survive about 48 hours in a dry environment.

5. Maximum period of incubation is 14 days
- Based on current epidemiological investigations, the incubation period of the novel coronavirus is generally 3 to 7 days with a maximum of 14 days.

6. Main clinical symptoms are fever, fatigue and dry cough
- A few number of patients show symptoms such as nasal obstruction, runny nose or diarrhea. About half of the patients develop breathing difficulty in one week, and the sever patients soon develop ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), septic shocks, difficulty-to-tackle metabolic acidosis and bleeding and coagulation dysfunctions.

7. Some patients don’t have a fever before they get diagnosed
- Some severe and critical patients have a moderate to low fever, or even no fever. But they often show other symptoms including breathing difficulty, palpitation or tightness in the chest. Some patients with a low fever and mild fatigue and without symptoms of pneumonia can recover after one week.

Source: People’s Daily, World Health Organization, and expert panel of National Health Commission, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.