Another video footage of a road rage incident is taking place involving a car driver and a heavy truck driver is now making round in social media.
A netizen identified as Lee Chavenia shared video on his Facebook account of a traffic altercation of two drivers. The said video garnered tens of thousands reaction from the netizen.

As you watch this this video footage, you will notice a furious driver blocking the way in front of the heavy truck due to the reason that his car behind the heavy truck was hit by the truck driver.

In this reason, most of the netizen watching this video reacted adversely due to the fact that the furious complaining driver is seems to be out of his mind as you can see that his car was at the back of the heavy truck and how can he complain that he was hit by the latter.
Watch video here:
We have screen captured the comments from the netizens and include them here for you to read and evaluate with your own who will be blamed from among the two.
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Comments from the netizens: