Watch Raffy Tulfo In Action: Mother “Charice” Clashed With New Wife “Marie Malate” To Get Her 6yr old Child


In the latest episode of Wanted Sa Radyo Raffy Tulfo In Action mother named Charice goes to the program to ask assitance to retrieve her 6 years old child from her former korean husband and new wife ” Marie Malate”.

According to the mother she was deprived to ses her child and offered her former husband offered her money to give the child to her.

She also added they were hurting the child proven by a video sent by her child to her, which cause her more anxiety of what was happening to her child.

Meanwhile idol Raffy call the attention to Marie to do as Charice says of else she will pay the consequences and be put to jail.

Watch the full video down below and witness the update of the story.

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