Viral Video of an LGBT First Monthsary Surprise- A Very Heart Touching Moment

Seth Cortez

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LGBT community is trending for millennials nowadays. Our society slowly embraces it as a respect to everyone whatever he or she is, whatever they like, is now, so far acceptable in on most countries in the world.

But here’s one heart touching story of a true love between two boys. They don’t mind about criticism, but they were both loving each other without hesitating to show it to the world. They were not ashamed of their gender and their status. What’s important for them is, they found their true love.

Here’s a viral video of a 19 year old guy who surprised his love on their first monthsary in a school. He offered him with flowers, chocolates and a stuff toy. As you can see on the video, it can be seen that they really love each other for what they are without being ashamed.

He also posted it on Facebook with a caption:

How sweet and romantic!

For more details please watch the video below!

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Credits to video: Ghello Bautista , Facebook

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