Seldom among the poor people of today who can refuse reward after all the good things being done. If there are poor people who can afford to abuse when good opportunity knocks on the door or maybe some people even used to steal just to survive or at least taste the good life for just a moment. This poor yet honest security guard from Atimonan, Quezon identified as “Ronald Llaneta” working as mall security guard in Makati, Manila, honestly returned the lost and found bag with P500,000.00 amount inside.
We cannot blame of the people today who have lost trust and confidence to our fellow because seldom indeed to find a man like this poor security guard Ronald Llaneta who humbly returned his found lost bag from the mall customer and turned over to the mall management for proper acknowledgement of the owner.

According to the report, Ronald has noticed the bag in a supermarket cart; he thought the bag was lost from the owner. He checked what inside and found a huge amount of money amounting to P500,000.00. In spite of the fact, that like other people who is badly needed money to survive, Ronald was not even tempted to hide or get from it for his personal use but he humbly brought the bag with the whole amount of money for proper turnover to the mall management in the office.

A few hours after Ronald turned over the lost item to the mall management, personnel was able to reach the owner and come to get the bag with the entire amount of money. The owner then offered to give reward to the security guard who was responsible of returning her money, but Ronald refused to accept her offer that the owner appreciates so much with him that there are still honest people like Ronald that cannot be tempted of money in contrast of majority attitude of today.

According to Ronald, what he did is part of his honest duty to the management and the people who are clients of the company he is working are the extension of his duty and responsibility to perform to ensure their life safety and belongings within the premises.
The mall management was also grateful of Ronald as their security guard that the management gave him well-deserved salute and heartfelt “Thank You” from the management and mall owner, as well as to his fellow security guard team on duty.

You can send word of congratulation to Ronald Llaneta here on the blank comment box and start to influence other people by his good example.