Blender is one of the most important tools in the kitchen. Most of our mothers depend on using it. When you need it, just simply plug to the outlet and make your favorite juices then. But what if you need blender in the places where there is no available power to plug in. Most of the option is to use battery operated blender. There are many of these battery operated blenders now on the market.

But take notice of this one, this man, a side walk vendor is using his improvised blender that instead of using the power or battery to operate the blender in making juices, you can see that it is operated by using a bicycle wheel. Look at this woman riding on the bicycle; you can see her pedaling to spin the bicycle wheel in which the blender was positioned on the top of the bicycle wheel connecting to blender causing it to spin and properly operating to produce a kind of juice you wanted to have.
This is really amazing. I can appreciate how brilliant is this man that he was able to discover something useful using the blender to be operated by human power that is free from charges of power and battery.
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