Video: Massive Mudslide Hit an Industrial Park in Shenzhen, Guandong, China


For the latest updates! In Shenzhen, Guandong, China fall a massive mudslide that had hit Chinese industrial park. Stated that it had burried over 22 buildings just this Sunday morning, December 20 at around 11:40 am. The place was called to be a manufacturing area where most of the electronic products are made including Apple’s posted in an article.

Video: Massive Mudslide Hit an Industrial Park in Shenzhen, Guandong, China

In Guangming New District’s Liuxi Industrial Park, there were 1,500 rescuers that was currently searching for people who might been buried and had fallen by debris by the collapsed building. Some may have sad that had been trapped and buried inside. The area was said to have housed with two worker domitories. There were 8 people who had been rescued and 41 is still missing.

Video: Massive Mudslide Hit an Industrial Park in Shenzhen, Guandong, China

The deputy chief of Shenzhen’s public security bureau, Ren Jiguang stated, that people near the area had been move for safety. There place was called to have 20,000 square meters and before the tragic happened no one was buried.


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