QC Court Has Convicted The Killer of Cherry Pie’s Mother


On Thursday, December 10, Cherry Pie’s mother’s killer was now found and is now convicted and sentence of a 40 years improsinment by charging reclusion perpetua for robbery with homicide.

The Quezon City Regional Trial Court, Judge Alfonso Ruiz has found the suspect guilty for killing the 75-year-old Zenaida Sison inside the victim’s home in Quezon City last September 19, 2014.

QC Court Has Convicted The Killer of Cherry Pie’s Mother

As a houseboy, Flores, who worked for Sison, admitted lately, with the killing of the old woman with the use of a piece of wood and a knife.

It was said that he was under the illegal metamphetamine hydrochloride knows as(shabu) when the incident happened. He also said that he went inside the house using a screw driver and took the victim’s money and jewelry.

It was then Sison caught the suspect and the housebot beat her with the wood before killing her with wounded stab. Flores is now in the custody of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP).

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